B2B Matchmaking Platform
Business to Business matchmaking is at the core of Sarajevo Business Forum. This highly-valuable tool allows governmental & non-governmental entities to identify potential projects in BiH and region and vice-versa, to set up mutually-beneficial cooperation through 25-minute meetings.
The participants (governmental, non-governmental and private entities) have access to a detailed database of projects, where they can search for a relevant business partner by contact name, company, country, or the worth of project. With the help of the b2b platform, participants can foster valuable partnerships via proposed pre-qualified meetings based on their business profiles and requirements.
The platform integrates a user-friendly planning system to avoid overlapping meetings or other scheduled activities, and optimize user-experience. For ease of reading and printing, the participant’s schedule is converted into a PDF file that includes information about each meeting and the profiles of the parties taking part in the meetings.
Business to Business matchmaking platforma za umrežavanje je u fokusu Sarajevo Business Foruma. Ovaj vrhunski alat omogućava državnim i privatnim subjektima da prepoznaju potencijalne projekte u BiH i regionu (i obrnuto), a sve sa ciljem uspostave obostrano korisne saradnje tokom sastanaka u trajanju od 25 minuta.
Učesnici (državni, nevladini i privatni subjekti) imaju pristup detaljnoj bazi podataka projekata u kojoj mogu potražiti odgovarajućeg poslovnog partnera prema imenu kontakt osobe, nazivu kompanije, države ili prema vrijednosti projekta. Pomoću b2b platforme, učesnici mogu sklapati korisna partnerstva u okviru predloženih i unaprijed pripremljenih sastanaka prema svojim poslovnim profilima i potrebama.
Ova platforma uključuje jednostavan sistem planiranja kako bi se izbjeglo preklapanje termina sastanka i ostalih planiranih aktivnosti, uz podizanje korisničkog iskustva na najviši nivo. Radi lakšeg čitanja i štampanja, raspored učesnika se konvertuje u PDF datoteku koja sadrži informacije o svakom sastanku i profilima učesnika na sastancima.
The Schedule of b2b Meetings:
Date: 26th April (Second day of the Forum)
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 15:30 p.m.
Place: Hotel Hills - Hall 2, Hall 3
Datum: 26. april (drugi dan održavanja Foruma)
Vrijeme: 9:30h – 15:30h
Lokacija: Hotel Hills - sala 2, sala 3
How does it work?
- All b2b participants should register at official Forum website: http://sarajevobusinessforum.com/registration-participant
- After registration is approved, log into the B2B platform
- Within the platform, you can search for potential investors/project owners and partners
- You may request B2B meetings with as many participants as you wish. However, only one meeting request per participant is permissible
- You may send messages to other participants
- Your meetings’ schedule will be available to you immidiately. You may either print it or download it.
- The duration of each meeting is set to 25 minutes
Act fast! Meeting requests will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis
- Svi učesnici b2b sastanaka se prvo trebaju registrovati na zvaničnoj web stranici Foruma:http://sarajevobusinessforum.com/registration-participant
- Nakon odobravanja registracije, prijavite se na B2B platformu
- U okviru platforme možete tražiti potencijalne investitore/vlasnike projekata i partnere
- Možete zakazati B2B sastanke sa bilo kojim brojem učesnika. Međutim, dozvoljen je samo jedan zahtjev za sastanak po učesniku
- Možete slati poruke drugim učesnicima
- Vaš raspored sastanaka će vam biti odmah ustupljen. Možete gaodštampati ili preuzeti.
- Trajanje svakog sastanka je ograničeno na 25 minuta
Požurite! Zahtjevi za sastanak se odobravaju prema redoslijedu podnošenja zahtjeva!
Za dodatna pitanja o B2B Platformi obratite se:
Bilateral Talks
- Participants214
- Meetings Requested342
- Meetings Accepted280
Albania 2
Austria 2
Bahrain 19
Bosnia-Herzegovina 127
Bulgaria 2
Croatia 2
Egypt 2
Germany 1
Indonesia 1
Macedonia 1
Malaysia 9
Montenegro 6
Norway 2
Oman 2
Pakistan 4
Romania 1
Saudi Arabia 2
Serbia 6
South Afriica 1
Tunisia 1
Turkey 3
United Arab Emirates 15
United Kingdom 3
- Total of Participants214
Profile views
- Before Event11731
- After Event464309