If you have an idea based on realistic premises or you have already completed a project that you want to present to potential investors at the SBF, we invite you to REGISTER and present the project to potential investors. Design your profile according to your needs, use filters in order to find investors, and arrange a meeting.
Ako imate ideju zasnovanu na realnim pretpostavkama ili već završen projekat koji želite predstaviti potencijalnim investitorima na SBF-u, pozivamo vas da se REGISTRUJETE i predstavite im svoj projekat. Kreirajte svoj profil prema vlastitim potrebama i iskoristite filtere kako biste pronašli investitore i zakazali sastanak.
How to prepare a good project?
As organizers of the Sarajevo Business Forum, BBI Bank and its VIP Business Club provide support from contact persons for different industries in order to help the interested parties how to prepare a short Project Presentation which should meet minimum standards and requirements in terms of content and form.
Requirements for submission of projects for the SBF-2018 are as follows:
- Value of the project should be above EUR 100,000.00
- The project is realistic and feasible
- Each project owner should be present at the SBF and have a completed Business Plan
We propose you to accomplish Feasibility Study or Business Plan that you need to have with you when meeting an investor. Those documents are not published on the website for the purpose of data protection. Gor any infromation, please contact
Kao organizatori Sarajevo Business Foruma, BBI banka i njen VIP Business Club su osigurali podršku kontakt osoba za različite sektore s ciljem pomoći zainteresiranim stranama da izrade kratku prezentaciju projekta koji mora odgovarati minimalnim standardima i zahtjevima u smislu sadržaja i forme.
Uslovi za prijavu projekta na SBF 2018 su sljedeći:
- Da je vrijednost projekta iznad EUR 100.000,00
- Da je projekat realan i izvodiv
- Svaki vlasnik projekta treba biti prisutan na SBF-u i imati pripremljen poslovni plan
Savjetujemo vam da pripremite studiju izvedivosti i poslovni plan koje ćete imati kod sebe prilikom susreta s investitorom. Ovi dokumenti se ne objavljuju na web stranici zbog zaštite podataka. Za dodatne informacije, molimo da kontaktirate
The presentation should be submitted in Power Point (PDF) and the project format should take into account the following sizes for easier printing:
- Page format 205 X 290 mm; Margins 20 mm.
- The Project Presentation should be submitted in PDF format set for HIGH QUALITY performance with pre-inserted CMYK photographs and 300 dpi resolution while the text should be only in K 100
Prezentaciju treba pripremiti u PowerPointu (PDF) a format projekta zadržati u sljedećim okvirima zbog lakšeg štampanja:
- Format stranice 205 X 290 mm; Margine 20 mm.
- Projekat treba dostaviti u PDF formatu napravljen za HIGH QUALITY performanse sa prethodno ubačenim fotografijama u CMYK, rezolucije 300 dpi, a tekst treba biti samo u K 100.
Fields in which the projects can be nominated are/SEKTORI ZA KOJE MOŽETE KANDIDOVATI PROJEKTE:
- IT Industry & Digital economy / IT industrija i digitalna ekonomija
- Tourism / Turizam
- Education / Obrazovanje
- Sport & culture / Sport i kultura
- Agriculture - Organic Health (including Halal) Food / Poljoprivreda – organska zdrava (i halal) hrana
- Energy / Energija
- Finance / Finansije
- Infrastructure, Construction & Real Estate / Infrastruktura, građevinarstvo i nekretnine
- Services & Other Industry / Uslužne i ostale djelatnosti
For any enquiries about projects, please contact following person (by industry): |
Mersad Ćatović +387 33 275 266 |
Elmir Halilčević +387 33 275 562 |
Tourism / TURIZAM |
Esma Alibegovic +387 33 275 580 |
Nermin Zerem +387 33 275 586 |
Ferida Husika +387 32 771 730 |
Education / OBRAZOVANJE |
Azemina Sadiković +387 33 275 254 |
Lejla Gabela +387 33 275 536 |
Sport and Culture / SPORT I KULTURA |
Nihad Šahović +387 33 275 299 |
Ajdin Ramić +387 33 275 568 |
Agriculture - Organic Health (including Halal) Food / Poljoprivreda - organska proizvodnja (uključujući halal) hrane |
Haris Kovačević +387 33 287 539
Almira Muzur +387 33 275 596 |
Amela Bavčić +387 33 275 269 |
Energy / Energetika |
Elvir Smajić +387 33 275 273 |
Ziba Ihtijarević +387 33 275 245 |
Emir Branković +387 33 275 259 |
Finance / Finansije |
Emina Isaković +387 33 275 273 |
Adna Hadžimahović
Infrastructure, Construction & Real Estate / Infrastruktura, građevinarstvo i real estate |
Alma Salčin +387 33 275 507 |
Armin Đozić +387 33 275 535 |
Dino Dizdarević +387 33 275 247 |
Services & Other Industry / Usluge i druge industrije |
Amra Muhić +387 33 275 284 |
Ismeta Salihagić +387 33 275 531 |
Bilateral Talks
- Participants214
- Meetings Requested342
- Meetings Accepted280
Albania 2
Austria 2
Bahrain 19
Bosnia-Herzegovina 127
Bulgaria 2
Croatia 2
Egypt 2
Germany 1
Indonesia 1
Macedonia 1
Malaysia 9
Montenegro 6
Norway 2
Oman 2
Pakistan 4
Romania 1
Saudi Arabia 2
Serbia 6
South Afriica 1
Tunisia 1
Turkey 3
United Arab Emirates 15
United Kingdom 3
- Total of Participants214
Profile views
- Before Event11731
- After Event457801