Muamer Jarović

Elatec d.o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionIn 1988, Elatec GmbH was founded by two private shareholders from Munich, Germany. At that time, Elatec GmbH had it’s focus on the distribution of Electronic components (such as displays, touch screens and embedded PCs) in Eastern Europe. In 1990 Elatec GmbH started with the new business unit Card Solutions for the mobile sector consisting of distribution of Telecom products such as SIM Cards plus packaging and Scratch Cards which has been drastically hanged since that time. Elatec has ahieved SAS certification as manufacturer and solution provider for MNO’s and MVNO’s.
Organization Type Participation in project
Project Worth/Investment interests2.5 mill -25 mill €
CityGračanica, Patriotske lige bb Google map
Areas of Activities

Banking and financial services

    IT industry