
Ahmed Novo


Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionAKAZ is a government-owned, not-for-profit agency founded in 2005 by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). AKAZ offers solutions that answer complex health challenges by helping health institutions in the FBiH to archive efficient and high-quality health service that promote well-being of each patient/service user. In fulfilling its role AKAZ performs the following tasks: • Developing accreditation standards for healthcare institutions; • Developing curriculum and delivering training to healthcare professionals; • Educating and training of external surveyors; • Establishing continuous education and training programs for healthcare professionals; • Facilitating health institutions in the process of accreditation/certification; • Performing external assessments of health institutions for the accreditation/certification procedure in cooperation with external surveyors; • Developing and keeping records about quality health indicators and adverse events; • Cooperating with the international accreditation bodies in healthcare; • Cooperating with the international organisations such as WHO, UNICEF in implementing projects and campaigns.
Organization Type Participation in project
Project Worth/Investment interestsless than 2.5 mill €
CitySarajevo, Ferhadija 17 Google map
Areas of Activities


    Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals