Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionPurchase and processing of berry fruit.
There are plantations of organic raspberries - 10 ha in the company´s ownership.
We have an agricultural pharmacy where we give our subcontractors protective herbal remedies and so we have conreolled production.
We have 1600 subcontractors.
The range of our products makes 80 % of Raspberry
Organization Type
Joint venture
Project Worth/Investment interests2.5 mill -25 mill €
CityBugojno, Podgaj II Google map
Areas of Activities
Agriculture and food
Food Technology Engineer
We want to find buyer for our products or some possibility of cooperation.
The range of our products makes 80 % of Raspberries
Cooperation Offered
- Joint venture
Cooperation Requested
- Joint venture