
Tihomir Pocrnja

Frozen Berries

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionPurchase and processing of berry fruit. There are plantations of organic raspberries - 10 ha in the company´s ownership. We have an agricultural pharmacy where we give our subcontractors protective herbal remedies and so we have conreolled production. We have 1600 subcontractors. The range of our products makes 80 % of Raspberry
Organization Type Joint venture
Project Worth/Investment interests2.5 mill -25 mill €
CityBugojno, Podgaj II Google map
Areas of Activities

Agriculture and food

    2,5 mill. EUR – 25 mill. EUR

    Food Technology Engineer

    We want to find buyer for our products or some possibility of cooperation.
    The range of our products makes 80 % of Raspberries

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Joint venture
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Joint venture