Almedin Skopljak

JP Elektroprrivreda BiH d.d. - Sarajevo

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionJP Elektroprivreda BiH is power leader with constant increase of part at the regional electricity market, Group's parent company in Concern EPBIH with more than 15,000 employees and an inseparable part of progress in Bosnia nad Herzegovina, its backbone and driver of growth development of other economic sectors The given trust to lead the company means responsibility for stability of Federation BiH and the BiH state what is not possible without stable electric power sector. To keep stability, integrity and developing of the power sector is fundamental principle on which are based all the activities which we perform to have reliable and qualitative electricity supply with high level of the social responsibility keeping operation readiness for generating facilities with reconstruction and modernization, increasing of environment protection, respecting the world ecologic standards, principles and other obligations prescribed by European legislative in that field . Availability of the natural sources, coal as primary one for energy as well as hydropotential are the base for realization of our strategic orientation along with construction of thermal blocks replacement and facilities from renewable energy sources. The developing capacity of JP Elektroprivreda BiH means also contribution to economic recovery and growth of national economy and sustainable of the social community .
Organization Type Joint venture, Loan
Project Worth/Investment interests2.5 mill -25 mill €
CitySarajevo, Vilsonovo šetalište 15 Google map
Areas of Activities

Communications / Transportation




          Water and water treatment
