Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionBe different and keep up with innovations.
In order to empower the brand, we continuously implement new technologies, invest in quality production management, which gives us direct impact on product quality and productivity.
Being better every day is only possible with the help of a highly educated and motivated team, aware that only a lot of work, actually a lot of quality work, can make a difference and differentiate us from the competition. Therefore, we give most attention to the education, development and progress of our employees. Their development also means the development and success of the entire system.
At the heart of our business philosophy is always a man. Through our overall efforts we are trying to be a socially responsible company that is ready to be an example of responsibility, performance and business in the best business spirit through our business, community relationship, environment, our customers and partners.
Organization Type
Joint venture, Loan, Participation in project
Project Worth/Investment interestsMore than 25 mill €
CityGrude, Stjepana Radića 21 Google map
Areas of Activities