
Muharem Redzibasic

Ministry of Economy (Central Bosnia Canton)

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
Organization Type Joint venture
Project Worth/Investment interestsMore than 25 mill €
CityTravnik, Prnjavor 16 Google map
Areas of Activities

Agriculture and food





            Water and water treatment


                More than 25 mill. EUR

                OVERVIEW OF THE MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM in the area of Busovača, Fojnica, Kreševo and Vit

                Ministry of Economy of the Central Bosnia Canton, along with the municipalities of Busovača, Fojnica, Kreševo and Vitez recognizes the importance of tourism in the overall economic development and changes imposed by modern tourist market, as well as the significant impact that tourism has on the population

                Keywords: tourism
                2,5 mill. EUR – 25 mill. EUR

                Factory construction for the production of ferrosilicium in Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje

                The construction project of manufacturing plant and production of alloys (ferrosilicon,ferositiromagnesium and silicon-metal) on the location of '' Batuški lug'' in the municipality of Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje

                Keywords: ferrosilicium
                More than 25 mill. EUR

                Wind power plants mount Vlašić plateau

                There are technical possibilities for the construction of wind farms both in terms of wind and the aspect of the existing infrastructure capabilities necessary to build and operate wind farms.

                Keywords: windenergypower plantwind farms
                Less than 2,5 mill. EUR


                Washing and extrusion plant of PE and PET waste

                Keywords: PE wastePET wasteextrusion plant
                More than 25 mill. EUR

                Raduša mountain

                Raduša mountain is of great importance when it comes to the promotion of tourism and is a key local skiing destination.

                Keywords: mountaintourismskiing
                Less than 2,5 mill. EUR

                Preparation and management for 10-100 professional automatic greenhouses

                Project idea is that you can set ten professional greenhouses dimension (100m x 12m = 1.200m²) on adequate land, which is clean, pure, with water supply and electric energy, and that greenhouses would be used for growing organic vegetables.

                Keywords: greenhousesvegetableshealthy food
                2,5 mill. EUR – 25 mill. EUR

                Bistrička rika

                The local community has identified the area of Bistrička Rika as the area where energy sector could develop in parallel with the tourism industry; the entire development should be based on assumptions of sustainability with maximum preservation of natural resources.

                Keywords: tourismenergy sector
                More than 25 mill. EUR

                Investment project for Sebešić


                Keywords: Sebešićsports-recreationaltourism
                More than 25 mill. EUR

                Vlašić tourism development mastar plan

                The Master Plan contains all the strategic and operative guidelines for tourism development in this area, and connects the use of the space with the concept of tourism and economic development in general.

                Keywords: tourismVlašićMaster plan
                More than 25 mill. EUR

                Pipeline distribution system

                The concession is awarded through public tender published by the
                Ministry of Economy (Central Bosnia Canton)

                Keywords: pipelinegasificationdistribution networkcentral Bosnia