
Adisa Karahodžić

Koteks doo Tešanj

Bilateral Meetings

  • Thursday 09:30 - 15:30
DescriptionKoteks Ltd. is a leading company for the purchase , processing and sale of raw hides and skins and wet blue in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. We are export-oriented firm.Company is engaged in buying and storing raw hides: baby beef, cow hide, calf hide, sheep hide, goats hide, goat hide, horse hide. Rawhides are domestic origin. Of the total purchased quantity,  60% of the hides are machine hide. Hides are sorted by the following categories: Baby Beef (20/30 kg, 30/40kg, 40 + kg),  Calf hide (-5kg, 5/8kg, 8/12kg, 13/16kg, 16/19kg) Our warehouse has a capacity of 500 tons. We have regular suppliers in which performs constant veterinary supervision. Our warehouse is under continuous veterinary inspectors. We export with full veterinary documentation.
Organization Type Participation in project
Project Worth/Investment interestsless than 2.5 mill €
CityTešanj, Poslovna zona Vila br 43 Google map
Areas of Activities

